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Self Tapes that BOOK the job

I was always curious to see actors self-tapes that booked them the job:)

This is my tape for the TV series " YourWorst Nightmare" on Investigation Discovery (Season 5 episode 1, check it out if you'd like) watch below!

And after looking through my actor friends tapes and some of my own, here are my few tips that will help elevate your self-tape game:

  • ✅Make interesting and SPECIFIC choices! I was scared to use a prop in my tape, because you always hear NO PROPS! But I am so glad I’ve listened to my friend Emily, when she said this is YOUR audition, YOU are in control! And I was like YASSS! This is my little masterpiece:) P.S. Of course make sure the prop is appropriate for the scene

  • ✅ It’s OK to send 2 different takes of the same scene. As long as they are really DIFFERENT. Again my friend Emily ( She is awesome) sent in 2 separated takes and she ended up being offered a different role in the same TV show! ( The Walking Dead btw) How cool is that?

  • ✅Make sure your audition tape matches the tone of the show/network you are auditioning for. Do your research before you tape! A series on NBC is very different in tone from series on The CW Network. When I got an audition for “Better Call Saul”, the scene and the dialogue was pretty clear, so I was about to shoot the tape, but then decided to watch an episode of the show. Thank god I did that! My audition would have been COMPLETELY off the mark from what the tone of the show was🤦🏻‍♀️Every time you submit a tape you are making an impression on the casting director, whether you booked it or not. I got a lot of auditions for that show afterwards and even though I didn’t book it yet, I have a much better understanding of what’s expected.

  • ✅Last but not least, this should go without saying...YOUR TAPE HAS TO BE A Professional quality!Professional Lighting, sound, backdrop are really a STANDARD at this point!

    Now go kick ass your next self tape!!!!🎬💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


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